Presentation: "Why Mud Still Reigns"

Track: Iconoclasts: Entertaining Rants / Time: Wednesday 10:35 - 11:35 / Location: Room 102/103

It's has been fifteen years since we first observed that while more high-minded architectural approaches get more attention, the de-facto industry standard was the "Big Ball of Mud", and somewhat to our surprise, no one has yet disputed this premise.  A Big Ball of Mud ( is, of course, a squalid, duct-tape and bailing wire spaghetti code jungle.

Today, as contemporary fads like craftsmanship and functionalism join the the ranks of discredited messiahs such as architecture and reuse, mud's state-of-the-art stature remains unchallenged, and its market share continues to grow. What are the mudslingers doing right?


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Brian Foote, Software Ethologist

Brian Foote

Biography: Brian Foote

Brian's research interests include object-oriented programming, design, reuse, languages, frameworks, software architecture, patterns, reflection, metalevel architecture, and software evolution, for starters. I've managed to come up with electronic copies of all my publications and workshop position papers (and several talks as well) going back to 1985.

Brian has electronic copies of all his publications and workshop position papers (and several talks as well) going back to 1985.

These can be accessed via the links on Brian's website. These are organized into the following categories. Some probably belong in more than one category. Direct hypertext links are given for papers for which HTML versions exist (such as Designing Reusable Classes). Links to versions in other formats are given after each paper's pseudo-bibliographic entry.

Brian's website: